Pro Danube at the Online Webinar on Greening Challenges and Stage V

webinar.banner e1526346630271Under the title Greening Challenges and Stage V, organised by the European IWT Platform and attended by Pro Danube's transnational branch organisations, innovative technology providers, representatives of the public sector as well as international organisations, the core objective of the webinar was to discuss, analyse and provide recommendations on the more than challenging pathway towards a climate resilient European IWT system. Given the adoption of NAIADES III as well as the provisions of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, the webinar provided a fruitful ground to share information and provide several examples of good practices.

PDI was represented by its General Secretary, Mr. Robert Rafael, who provided information on the major outcomes of the GRENDEL project which established a solid partnership under the lead of Pro Danube International, culminating in the proposal of a dedicated State Aid Scheme for Fleet Modernisation. This innovative financial instrument takes several aspects such as greening, efficiency, and innovative technological solutions into consideration. The model state aid scheme was developed to serve as a guideline for Danube riparian countries to develop national state aid schemes for fleet modernisation according to their individual needs and requirements. Since the vast majority of the Danube inland fleet is outdated in terms of economic and environmental performance, modernising inland vessels and adapting them to the new digital era and envisaged climate-neutral European transport system is no longer an option, but a must. This shall be achieved with a mix of funding and financing solutions.

Launch of the Survey on Port Statistics & COVID-Impact

participants online surveysDeveloped within the DIONYSUS project with the support of the Danube Ports Network (DPN), the aim of the "Survey on Port Statistics and COVID-19 Impact" is to collect information on port traffic in the midst of the pandemic covering the year 2020. While Danube shipping is closely correlated with developments in the global and regional economy, the average number of port calls, as well as the amount of the handled products and traffic in passenger transport, could generate useful insights into the actual impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the Danube IWT. The survey furthermore touches upon topics linked to any kind of procedural restrictions that might have impaired a smooth transport flow. 

The survey has been elaborated by the teams of Pro Danube Management (AT) in cooperation with Public Ports (SK), Ennshafen Port (AT), the Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports (HU), Constanta Maritime Ports Administration (RO), and the Port Governance Agency (RS).

The survey is open from end-June 2021 until 15 September 2021.

Pro Danube welcomes NAIADES III

199957097 4249340191791882 9037376543633247120 nPro Danube welcomes the adoption of the "NAIADES III: Boosting future-proof European inland waterway transport" action plan, and the stated commitment to "(...) shift more freight transport on inland waterways, and set the sector on an irreversible path to zero-emissions, underpinned by a paradigm shift towards further digitalisation, as well as accompanying measures to support the current and future workforce. Meeting these core objectives will require an integrated approach and a basket of measures incorporating transport, environmental, digital, energy and fiscal policies, backed up with financial incentives (...)".

In its capacity as the representative of the Danube IWT sector, Pro Danube was actively involved in the preparation process towards the action plan, acting as a gateway between the private sector and the EU decision-making entities. Whilst emphasizing the urgent need to adapt to the strict environmental objectives as stipulated in the European Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, Pro Danube highlighted that the sector needs continuous support to be able to cope with these future challenges, emphasizing that greening techniques and the innovative pathway come with a huge cost. It is therefore of utmost importance to secure clear and well-defined further EU policy, financing, and funding instruments in order to boost new technologies and enable IWT businesses to efficiently incorporate them. This is an essential prerequisite to achieve a climate-neutral European transport system by 2050. 

NAIADES III was tailored to accomplish the ambitious climate goals of the European Commission, acting as the pillar of the pathway towards a climate-resilient, digital, and reliable inland waterborne transport system. Pro Danube is looking forward to support the implementation of the action programme by its involvement in the Platina3 project. 

LASTING questionnaire dedicated to the European waterborne transport RD&I community

Lasting logo colorLet us please raise your attention to the H2020 LASTING questionnaire dedicated to the European waterborne transport RD&I community with the ultimate goal of increasing its impacts. The responsible H2020 LASTING consortium of which Pro Danube is part of - will analyze the results of the questionnaire, identifying innovation needs and information gaps, and report directly to the European Commission. This makes it an ideal occasion for all waterborne transport community members and their stakeholders to share their experiences with waterborne RD&I projects, stressing their innovation needs and delivering valuable inputs for closing potential information gaps.  

The questionnaire will be open until the beginning of next week (June 21st 12.00h) and is available here.