Know-how transfer event for green energy and fuelling solutions

Pro Danube successfully organised online the second edition of the W2GAS (Waste to Compost and Green Energy) know-how transfer event on 26 November 2020.

W2GAS project presentation slide1W2GAS project presentation slide2

After an informative first event in September, with insights into sustainable developments in the fuel sector as well as into Austrian biogas technology solutions, the second event focused on general findings and results of the project. First-hand information was provided by the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) representative in Romania, Mr Gerd Bommer, and by several other Austrian stakeholders present in the Romanian business environment. Experts and sector representatives discussed topics such as available implementation options to use gas as fuel in the transport sector and funding opportunities. Key elements of the permit procedures were also high on the agenda.
The manager of the kit4market funding programme highlighted the vital role of W2GAS to facilitate know-how transfer by clustering the knowledge of experts, technology providers and consultants.

The project will be running until December 2020. For further information on the project or on the Know-how Events, feel free to contact Mr. Markus Eppich (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The project is co-funded by the kit4market Programme of aws - Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH.

Please find in the following section the list of presentations from our event:


Danube Ports Day 2020 successfully organised online on the 17th of November

The Danube Ports Day 2020 edition was successfully organised in the framework of the DIONYSUS project by Pro Danube and the Port of Ennshafen, with the support of the Danube Ports Network.

The event brought together more than 60 experts from the Danube Region and beyond interested in hot topics such as shore side electricity and integrated logistics solutions.

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We would like to use this opportunity to give special thanks to our first session speakers, namely Mr. Turi Fiorito from EFIP, Ms Vera Hofbauer from the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Pro Danube's Chairman Mr Herfried Leitner, Mr Werner Auer and Ms Karin Voglsam from the Port of Ennshafen, Mr Simon Hartl from viadonau, Mr. Ralf Jina from DDSG and Ms Andrea Kollman from the Energy Institute of the University of Linz.

Special thanks go as well to the speakers of the second session, namely Mr Marian Bujor, for introducing the High Performance Green Port Giurgiu Project, Mr Mathias von Tucher, for showing insights of the Port of Giurgiulesti and Mr Bela Szalma, for covering highly ambitious solutions for the ports in Hungary and PDI's General Secretary, Mr Robert Rafael, for moderating this session.

List of presentations:

1. Turi Fiorito, EFIP
2. Vera Hofbauer, BMK
3. Herfried Leitner, PDI
4. Werner Auer, Port of Ennshafen
5. Andrea Kolmann, Energy Institute of the University of Linz
6. Simon Hartl, viadonau
7. Karin Voglsam, Port of Ennshafen
8. Ralf Jina, DDSG
8. Marian Bujor, ILR Logistica Romania
9. Mathias von Tucher, Danube Logistics
10. Bela Szalma, Plimsoll
11. Robert Rafael, PDI

Two other editions will be organised in the next two years. These are foreseen to take place in Croatia (with the support of Port Authority Vukovar) and in Romania (in close cooperation with Constanta Maritime Port Administration).
Detailed information will be made available by the organisers few weeks before the actual meetings.

Danube Ports Day 2020

Rolled out in the framework of the DIONYSUS project, the Danube Ports Day annual events are meant (i) to continue the well-established practice in the DAPHNE project by holding events dedicated to port affairs providing insights into the policy framework and concrete examples of development works and projects as well as (ii) to trigger future key actions meant to place Danube Region ports as ideal locations for setting up businesses relying on waterborne infrastructure.

This 2020 event shall facilitate a structured discussion on port development opportunities touching on topics such as (a) shore side electricity and (b) integrated logistics. Shore-side electricity, which allows ships to turn off their engines and plug into an electrical grid while at berth, has been steadily growing in popularity as a reliable solution to cutting emissions as well as reducing noise and vibration. First-hand information will be provided based on the results of several EU & national funded projects, whereas, at the same time, two fleet operators will present from a user’s perspective related prerequisites. In relation to the second topic, two port operators from Romania and Moldova will introduce their logistics solutions to efficiently accommodate intermodal transport to and from their ports, whereas one logistics service provider from Hungary will offer examples of fully integrated logistics solutions making use of the waterways. 

Date & time: 17 November 2020 / 10:00 – 14:30 (CET)

Agenda: see document

Location: online (Webex) based on prior registration

Registration link:

SAVE the DATE: GRENDEL Final Event on 29 October 2020

The event will bring together representatives of public authorities, international organisations, innovation experts, technology suppliers and IWT stakeholders to discuss the outcomes of GRENDEL and to present its current implementation status.

Online event, 29 October 2020, 09:00-14:00