PDI's President Interviewed by KözlekedésVilág

3 Herfried Leitner 612x540Interviewed by the Hungarian Magazine KözlekedésVilág, Pro Danube International's President, Mr. Herfried Leitner, discussed several aspects related to the challenges faced by IWT in terms of the EU's ambitious climate goals as stipulated in the European Green Deal and the difficulties faced by the industry in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis.

Mr. Leitner emphasized that Pro Danube, in its capacity as the representative of the Danube IWT sector, acts as a gateway between the industry and the EU as well as relevant national decision-making entities. With the EU's declared goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, the transport system - with IWT being regarded as one of the most environmentally friendly modes of transport - must undergo far-reaching changes and continuously adapt itself in a relatively short timeframe to new technologies in order to significantly reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions. Meeting these objectives requires the continuous support of the IWT sector in order to be able to cope with these challenges. Mr. Leitner emphasized that greening techniques and the innovative pathway come with a huge cost. Hence, Pro Danube International offers the Danube IWT business community an organisational framework to address these challenges, serving its Members as a competence center for grants accession, consultancy, and project management.

The second topic touched upon by Mr. Leitner refers to the effects of the ongoing health crisis on the Danube IWT sector. Both cargo and passenger transportation was heavily affected, with the latter coming in 2020 to a complete standstill. Despite some drops in transported volumes, the year 2020 was not as dramatic as expected for cargo transportation. 

Mr. Leitner concluded that both challenges - in terms of adaptation to climate neutrality and the COVID-19 pandemic - offer opportunities for the IWT industry to emerge strengthened and able to benefit from the coming upturn.

The interview is available here in Hungarian language.

Publication of the CCNR Study on Energy Transition

ccnr studyPro Danube is thrilled to announce the publication of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) study on energy transition to a zero-emission inland navigation sector. We were actively involved in the overall research and drafting process of the study dealing with the analysis of possible financial instruments for inland navigation.

Launch of the DAVID Creator

DAVID formsThe DoRIS portal, operated by viadonau, offers another free service to interested waterway users: the DAVID Creator. The new application enables the electronic creation of the internationally harmonised border control forms – the Danube Navigation Standard Forms (short: DAVID forms) - which will further reduce administrative barriers in the Danube Region.

Elaborated in the framework of the EUSDR Working Group PA1A Inland Waterways and PA 11 Security, the DAVID forms facilitate a harmonised and time-efficient border control process, gradually replacing the three most frequently used forms: arrival and departure reports, crew lists, and passenger lists.

Initiated and coordinated by Pro Danube International, the DANTE project was a key facilitator for the implementation and acceptance of the DAVID forms in the Danube riparian countries.

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Pro Danube welcomes "Fit for 55"

eu flagss 0Pro Danube welcomes the release of "Fit for 55", a package of legislative proposals to achieve the EU's 2030 climate targets on the way to the ultimate goal: climate neutrality in 2050. The aim of the Commission's proposals released on 14 July is to reduce net emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990, aligning EU policy with the ambitious political mandates of the European Green Deal and the European Climate Law. This series of 13 cross-cutting legislative proposals include 8 revisions of existing legislation and 5 brand new proposals.

The Fit for 55 package aims to bring transport into the EU decarbonisation process. As the transport sector accounts for approx. 27% of EU emissions, its decarbonisation is essential for the EU to reach its climate targets.

With the adoption of the European Climate Law, the EU's ambitious goal to become in the course of the next decades climate neutral is no longer an option, but a must. The package proposes a clear vision of how to best achieve its climate targets. It represents the most comprehensive set of proposals the Commission has ever presented on climate and energy, setting the basis for a sustainable European economy in the future.