- European Barge Union - EBU
- European Federation of Inland Ports - EFIP
- European Skippers´ Organisation - ESO
- Inland Navigation Europe - INE
- Danube Commission - DC
- Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine - CCNR
- European Commission - Directorate-General Mobility and Transport - DG MOVE
- European Commission - Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy - DG REGIO
- European Commission - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency - CINEA
- European Committee for Drawing Up Standards in the Field of Inland Navigation - CESNI
- International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River - ICPDR
River Information Services / Notices to Skippers
- RIS Austria
- RIS Bulgaria
- RIS Croatia
- RIS Germany
- RIS Hungary
- RIS Romania
- RIS Serbia
- RIS Slovakia
- RIS Ukraine
Waterway Management and Supervision Authorities
Expert Groups
- EU Strategy for the Danube Region, Priority Area 1A Waterways Mobility - EUSDR/PA1A
- Digital Transport and Logistics Forum - DTLF
- COMPETING - Competence-Based Education and Training for Inland Navigation
- DAPhNE – Danube Ports Network
- DANTE – Improving Administrative Procedures & Processes for Danube IWT
- DIONYSUS - Integrating Danube Region into Smart & Sustainable Multi-modal & Intermodal Transport Chains
- DIWA - Masterplan Digitalization of Inland Waterways
- FAIRway works! in the Rhine-Danube Corridor
- Preparing FAIRway 2 works in the Rhine-Danube Corridor
- GRENDEL – Green and efficient Danube fleet
- LASTING - Let's go for Waterborne Transport Research - Broadening Engagement and Increasing Impact
- PhysICAL - Physical Internet through Cooperative Austrian Logistics
- PLATINA3 - Platform for the Implementation of a Future Inland Navigation Action Programme
- RIS Comex - RIS Corridor Management Execution
- STEERER - Structuring Towards Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport
Transnational Strategies
Transnational Cooperation Platform- Danube Ports Network - DPN