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Danube Ports Days 2023: Presentations & Recording

Danube Port Days Event news hero V2 2The Danube Ports Days 2023 event, a collaborative effort by Pro Danube in partnership with the EU-funded Green Inland Ports Study, MultiRELOAD and SYNERGETICS projects, and with support from the Danube Ports Network, has successfully concluded. This groundbreaking event served as the focal point for high-profile representatives from the European Parliament, European Commission, international river commissions, port authorities, and various stakeholders in the inland waterway transportation (IWT) sector.

The two-day event, held on 23 and 24 November in Vienna, provided a unique platform for participants to explore innovative tools and solutions geared towards achieving green objectives, sharing experiences, addressing common challenges, and staying updated on latest industry developments. With a specific focus on the European Green Deal, the Danube Ports Days aimed to facilitate collaboration between public and private entities, fostering know-how sharing and feedback collection in pursuit of the ambitious climate targets enshrined in the European Green Deal.

The official press release is available for download here.

Presentations are available for download here:

Keynote Speeches:
Green Inland Ports

MultiRELOAD User Forum
SEANERGY Danube Commission

Save the Date! Danube Ports Days 2023

DPD Save the Date FINAL EUInitiated by DAPhNE and successfully continued on a yearly basis by DIONYSUS, the Danube Ports Days have become a must-attend event on the agenda of the IWT community in the Danube Region and well beyond, providing a transnational platform to discuss, by bringing together decision-makers, experts and the IWT sector, key aspects related to port development issues. This year's event is organised by Pro Danube in cooperation with the Green Inland PortsMultiRELOAD, and Synergetics projects with the support of the Danube Ports Network.

When: 23-24 November 2023
WherethinkPORT VIENNA & online

Save the Date! High-Level Event co-organised by CPMR & Pro Danube in the European Parliament

EU_Parliament_Event.jpgWe cordially invite you to participate in the high-level event co-organised by Pro Danube International in the frame of our Europe-wide campaign, dedicating the year 2022 to the promotion of Danube Logistics and Tourism under the motto
The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness on recent and planned developments focusing on new beginnings in line with the European policy framework, highlighting the strengths and opportunities of Danube waterborne transport, while bringing together policy and decision-makers, experts, and the business sector in order to achieve the European goal of increasing transport by inland waterways and short sea shipping by 25% by 2030, and by 50% by 2050.

Entitled "Inland Waterways Transport in the Danube: taking stock of the NAIADES III Strategy", the online event is co-hosted by MEP Carmen Avram, SEArica Vice-Chair for the Danube and the Black Sea & MEP Caroline Nagtegaal, SEArica member & EP rapporteur of "Towards Future-proof Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) in Europe". Pro Danube will set the regional perspective with inputs from key business stakeholders. 

The event is supported by SEArica - Seas, Rivers, Islands & Coastal Areas Intergroup of the European Parliament and is co-organised by Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions and Pro Danube International. 

For details & registration please click here.

Save the Date: Danube Ports Day 2021

save the date karten headerRolled out in the framework of the DIONYSUS project, the Danube Ports Day annual events are meant to continue the well-established practice in the DAPHNE project by holding events dedicated to port affairs providing insights into the policy framework and concrete examples of development works and projects as well as to trigger future key actions meant to place Danube Region ports as ideal locations for setting up businesses relying on waterborne infrastructure. 

The 2021 edition is organised by the Port Authority Vukovar in close cooperation with Pro Danube Management and shall facilitate a structured discussion on port development opportunities touching on topics such as (a) (urban) mobility(b) electrification, and (c) port logistics.  

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Celebrating a decade of commitment to the well-being of the Danube IWT sector

PDI 10 years final version
Ten years ago, Mr. Alexandru Capatu and Mr. Manfred Seitz together with highly committed founding members have given the Danube community a common voice to address key challenges confronting the Danube inland navigation sector. On this occasion, we would like to thank all our members, partners and colleagues for their dedication and support to engage in a long-term, active, and coordinated cooperation process benefiting the IWT sector and regional economy at large. Since its establishment, Pro Danube International continuously continued to grow, developing into a network of more than 180 companies that have a strategic interest in securing better infrastructure conditions and a higher rate of public investments in the Danube transport and logistics system.

With the Danube being regarded as the economical backbone of a transnational region par excellence, characterized by different levels of socioeconomic development, Pro Danube International successfully managed to bring together public and private representatives of the Danube Region in order to have a lasting impact on the overall situation of IWT.

This year's General Assembly is set to celebrate a decade of commitment to the well-being of the Danube IWT sector and to intensify cooperation with related branch organisations. We therefore cordially invite our partners to join the open session of our General Assembly to take part in the discussions with highly distinguished experts of the IWT sector.

Those of you interested to attend, please register here.

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