Developed within the
DIONYSUS project with the support of the
Danube Ports Network (DPN), the aim of the
"Survey on Port Statistics and COVID-19 Impact" is to collect information on port traffic in the midst of the pandemic covering the year 2020. While Danube shipping is closely correlated with developments in the global and regional economy, the average number of port calls, as well as the amount of the handled products and traffic in passenger transport, could generate useful insights into the actual impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the Danube IWT. The survey furthermore touches upon topics linked to any kind of procedural restrictions that might have impaired a smooth transport flow.
The survey has been elaborated by the teams of Pro Danube Management (AT) in cooperation with Public Ports (SK), Ennshafen Port (AT), the Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports (HU), Constanta Maritime Ports Administration (RO), and the Port Governance Agency (RS).
The survey is open from end-June 2021 until 15 September 2021.