
INDanubeINDanube aims to generate and to facilitate innovation projects through its services and shall engage in the build-up of a policy framework which enables and supports innovation in Danube IWT. This policy framework shall be embedded in the existing initiatives of the European Commission which foster the further development of the inland navigation sector in Europe especially such of the TEN-T, the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and NAIADES II.

INDanube organizes the knowledge transfer in the Danube region regarding the innovation needs being derived from the perspective of the society, the vessel and fleet operators and their partners along the logistics and value chain.

INDanube is part of an international network of three European Innovation Centres covering Germany, France and the Danube region. Established by MARIKO, VNF and Pro Danube, together they are forming the cooperation platform called EIBIP - European Inland Barging Innovation Platform and they support the innovation uptake by the inland waterway sector on the TEN-T Core Network. The platform serves as the first European platform for collecting and managing all relevant technical and economic information on innovation related to IWT. EIBIP facilitates critical mass and economies of scale with a view to bringing (technological) innovation to real market implementation.

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