How to secure the future of inland navigation in the long term: position paper handed over to the Austrian BMK by PDI and PDA

Pressefoto-min.jpgWith the European Green Deal's overarching commitment to make the EU climate neutral by 2050, the scene is set for a vast transformation of the entire transport system. This poses serious challenges to the future of inland navigation, requiring great effort and determination from both the public and private sectors to succeed. In order to efficiently adapt to the EU's ambitious climate goals, several support measures - both at national and international levels - are required. Highlighting IWT's obvious strengths in terms of transported volumes, low emission rates, energy efficiency, and last but not least - its vital role in the implementation process of the European Green Deal - the representatives of Pro Danube Austria and Pro Danube International handed over a position paper containing demands and proposed measures to adequately support the sector's pathway to climate neutrality while keeping a sharp eye on economic prosperity - to the representative of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Ms. Vera Hofbauer, Head of Directorate General IV - Transport.

Key elements of the position paper include the following:

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  • Decisions should be taken in a politically coordinated manner preferably at the European - or at least at Corridor - level;
  • Take measures to counteract the shortage of skilled workers by making jobs more attractive;
  • Provide concise implementation plans at the European level for the use of environmentally friendly alternative fuels in inland navigation;
  • Facilitate the active involvement of technology manufacturers to develop and implement the best possible solutions;
  • Good navigation status at corridor level to enable adequate fairway maintenance;
  • Introduction of uniform financing models, easily accessible to all involved actors;
  • Uniform funding criteria at EU level.

Even though handed over to Austrian decision-makers - the position paper retains validity for the entire Danube IWT sector. 

The position paper, elaborated in German, is available for download here.

Save the Date: High-Level Event co-organised by CPMR & Pro Danube in the European Parliament

EU Parliament EventWe cordially invite you to participate in the high-level event co-organised by Pro Danube International in the frame of our Europe-wide campaign, dedicating the year 2022 to the promotion of Danube Logistics and Tourism under the motto

The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness on recent and planned developments focusing on new beginnings in line with the European policy framework, highlighting the strengths and opportunities of Danube waterborne transport, while bringing together policy and decision-makers, experts, and the business sector in order to achieve the European goal of increasing transport by inland waterways and short sea shipping by 25% by 2030, and by 50% by 2050.

Entitled "Inland Waterways Transport in the Danube: taking stock of the NAIADES III Strategy", the online event is co-hosted by MEP Carmen Avram, SEArica Vice-Chair for the Danube and the Black Sea & MEP Caroline Nagtegaal, SEArica member & EP rapporteur of "Towards Future-proof Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) in Europe". Pro Danube will set the regional perspective with inputs from key business stakeholders. 

The event is supported by SEArica - Seas, Rivers, Islands & Coastal Areas Intergroup of the European Parliament and is co-organised by Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions and Pro Danube International. 

For details and registration please click here.

Pro Danube proudly announces new project involvement: H2 meets H2O

h2 logo fullWe are thrilled to announce our participation in a new project: H2 meets H2O. The aim of the exploratory project is to assess the feasibility and applicability of hydrogen supply along the Danube as a logistics backbone from a technical, legal, and socio-economic perspective.

Therefore, based on a multimodal supply concept, from the production of hydrogen up to the end-users, the logistical basis for a subsequent R&D project with innovative pilot applications for inland waterway vessels, railways and trucks shall be created. The preparatory work of the exploratory study will be structured along three pillars:

  • Analysis of basic principles and implementation potential,
  • Stakeholder analysis & network development,
  • Result utilisation & monitoring.
Quick facts:

Invitation to a PhysICAL project event: Cooperative Logistics meets Climate Protection

Physical3.jpgA proud member of the PhysICAL consortium, Pro Danube cordially invites you to an event organised at the premises of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology, to present, after 2 years of extensive research activities, first preliminary results. The keynote speech will be delivered in English by Fernando Liesa, General Secretary of ALICE, while the rest of the event will be held in German.

The preliminary agenda is available here.