Save the Date! Waterborne Days

waterborne daysA proud member of the Lasting Consortium, we are delighted to invite you to the Waterborne Days conference, taking place in Brussels on 26 - 27 September 2023. The interactive two-day conference on the European Waterborne Transport Sector will have multiple sessions exploring different ship types through the lens of research and development and their contribution to the green & digital transition.

: 26-27 September 2023
Where: Brussels

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Core findings of H2 meets H2O presented by Pro Danube

Pro Danube'HARALD_ARTNER_DSC08492.jpgs General Secretary Róbert Rafael shared in the frame of an event dedicated to the potential of hydrogen as a solution to sustainable mobility, organised in Vienna by the Austrian Association for Transport and Infrastructure, the results of the interdisciplinary exploratory project H2 meets H2O. Successfully implemented under the lead of Pro Danube, the core findings of the project highlight the fact that hydrogen has an important role to play in achieving a climate-neutral IWT sector.
Co-funded by FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency, the aim of the exploratory project H2 meets H2O was to assess the feasibility and applicability of hydrogen supply along the Danube as a logistics backbone from a technical, legal, and socio-economic point of view. A fruitful collaboration between Pro Danube, Energieinstitut an der JKU LinzHafen Wien GmbHHochschule Landshutviadonau and VEREIN WIVA P&G – WASSERSTOFFINITIATIVE VORZEIGEREGION AUSTRIA POWER & GAS, the project resulted in the elaboration of a roadmap for the implementation of hydrogen supply along the Danube.

The presentations delivered in the frame of the event are available for download here.

Pro Danube welcomes the Austrian Danube Action Programme 2030

Action ProgrammeIn line with the United Nations Agenda 2030, the European Green Deal and the Austrian government programme, the recently released Austrian Danube Action Programme sets the direction of national development until 2030. Adopted by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, the programme is a clear commitment to climate and environmental protection, to a resilient Danube waterway and to environmentally friendly and competitive inland navigation.

Pro Danube was actively involved in the consultation and preparation process of the programme. 

Save the Date! H2 meets H2O Final Event on 29 March

h2meetshsoPro Danube, together with its project partners, cordially invites you to participate in the closing event of the exploratory project H2 meets H2O. Coordinated by the Pro Danube Management and co-funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), the aim of the project was to assess the feasibility and applicability of hydrogen supply along the Danube as a logistics backbone from a technical, legal, and socio-economic point of view.

With the strong involvement of relevant stakeholder, the project resulted in the elaboration of a roadmap for the implementation of hydrogen infrastructure, along with hydrogen-based transport and propulsion technologies in shipping.

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