Elaborated under the coordination of Pro Danube Management GmbH, the
PLATINA3 Report on best practices, and recommendations for further integration of IWT in synchromodal logistics chains, is now available for download. In a specially released video,
Róbert Rafael and
Ruxandra Matzalik Florescu provide first-hand insights into the core results of the report.
The video and the deliverable can be accessed
Referring to our calls for action and co-operative and proactive fairway management, signed and submitted in September 2021 and July 2022, regrettably, we need to inform you that – according to our and our members´ predictions based on the trends and latest measurements – a similar situation is expected again in 2023.
This refers to the same Danube section as in the previous years, namely between rkm 563 to rkm 565 which has led to standstills in the past – forcing dozens of pushers, vessels, and hundreds of barges to wait for maintenance of the fairway by dredging on the relevant section.
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With the third stakeholder-workshop successfully organised on 26 January in Vienna, an important step forward has been made in further fine-tuning and developing a strategic roadmap for the implementation of hydrogen infrastructure along the Danube. Funded by the
Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), the aim of the exploratory project
H2 meets H2O is to assess the feasibility and applicability of hydrogen supply along the Danube as logistics backbone from a technical, legal and socio-economic point of view.
Pro Danube, in its capacity as project coordinator, provides input to the roadmap from a twofold perspective: on the one hand by reflecting the industry's perspective and on the other hand by investigating the multitude of financing and funding possibilities on the EU level for potential follow-up projects.