Pro Danube releases online reporting tool for identifying administrative barriers

As of today, 1st of June 2015, Pro Danube hosts on its website an online reporting tool where stakeholders of Danube navigation (port operators, skippers, barge operators, cargo shippers, logistics operators, etc.) which have experienced problems or identified shortcomings in the work of authorities and administrations can report the experienced problems and/or proposals to improve the current situation. Collecting detailed information on administrative barriers that hinder business activities cargo and passenger operations in Danube navigation will enable Pro Danube to identify structural shortcomings in legislation, regulations and administrative practice which will have to be abolished/changed in order to unlock the potentials of Danube businesses for economic growth and jobs in the region.

The reporting tool is part of Pro Danube’s campaign on administrative barriers and follows its declared concept of “Same River – Same Rules” which aims to harmonize administrative procedures for the Danube users at the lowest possible level of bureaucracy. The data provided will be analysed by Pro Danube and will be further used to fight the identified barriers by direct interventions or by structured initiatives. The reporting tool is accessible via PDI’s homepage or directly via the link In the start-up phase, the interface will be available in English, with German, Hungarian and Romanian interfaces to follow after extended practical test period. Registration on the PDI’s website is a precondition for using the reporting tool. All PDI members are automatically registered. Pro Danube will prepare every month a summary report on the main barriers identified. Reports will be made available for registered users and they will be collected in the “downloads & links” section of the PDI website.

The reporting tool will allow a permanent monitoring of the performances of the public administrations and, therefore, goes beyond the current initiative of the EUSDR Working Group for Border Administrative Processes. This Working Group started its activity in 2014 as a joint cooperation between PA 1a and PA 11 and recently conducted a survey among shipping companies and vessel operators at border crossings, to elaborate a practical manual for border control procedures and to draft recommendations on improved control procedures along the Danube which are planned for autumn 2015. Pro Danube considers a permanent monitoring as essential not only to achieve and sustain good border crossings but also to improve many other administrative procedures for the Danube industry.

PROMINENT – Promoting Innovation in the Inland Waterways Transport Sector

150520 Prominent logoPROMINENT addresses the key needs for technological development, as well as barriers to innovation and greening in the European inland navigation sector. With the signature of INEA (Innovation & Networks Executive Agency of the European Commission) on the Grant Agreement of PROMINENT, the project officially started on 1 May 2015 and will be implemented on a period of 36 months. PROMINENT will combine the experiences gained from previous and ongoing projects executed since the first NAIADES action programme, ongoing activities in the fields addressed on a (pan-) European and national level and will initiate, support and stimulate deployment during and after the project period. In order to turn the innovative solutions into real-life implementation, the PROMINENT consortium has ensured the active participation and support of representatives of the IWT industry, fleet operators, engine and equipment manufacturers, inland navigation educational institutions, experienced consultants and research institutes, as well as waterway operators and administrations.

Pro Danube Management is leader of the work package dealing with real-life pilot deployments. The activities foreseen include the implementation of pilot tests of standardised systems for LNG propulsion, diesel after-treatment, energy efficient navigation, digital education as well as certification and monitoring of emissions and operational profiles. In addition to Pro Danube, Navrom SA participates in the project and will equip a certain number of its vessels with advanced echo sounders. This shall allow the consortium to build up a database of flow data on fairway depth providing updated information to the waterway administrations and generating an important input for the construction of an advanced trip advisory tool reducing fuel consumption of vessels by optimizing engine power and trajectory.

PROMINENT is funded by the Horizon 2020 programme, the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme. The project is coordinated by STC-Group (NL) and brings together 17 partners from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Romania.

PLATINA II project consortium releases IWT Greening Tool initiative

Within the PLATINA II project, the project consortium released the European Greening Tool for Inland Waterway Transport, which is an initiative meant to offer vessel owners/operators, policy makers or other stakeholders state-of-the-art information about the different retrofit greening option technologies currently available for application on existing vessels. This tool also gives an estimate of the return on investment for different greening options as well as its potential impact on emissions based on the best available information. Greening technologies are constantly being developed and fine-tuned. In this respect, the initiative aims at keeping the information up-to-date by including the latest known results of ongoing research in the field of greening of the fleet. Interested parties may help enhance the tool and make it more user-friendly by sending their feedback to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, you may refer to the initiative's website here.

PLATINA II is funded by the European Union (DG-MOVE) under the 7th Framework Programme for RTD.

Maritime Days in Odessa 2015

maritime daysMaritime Days in Odessa annual forum takes place between 28 and 30 May 2015. Having started in 2004, Maritime Days in Odessa is a chain of events for shipping, logistics and trade community. This year's event is dedicated to grain export, bringing together experts from the agri and shipping business in one event. Judging from past events, over 300 participants are expected to take part in this event.For more details, please visit the event's website here.