EU funded project DANTE officially kicked off in Budapest

On 17 February 2017, the DANTE project aiming to improve administrative procedures and processes for Danube IWT was officially kicked off at the Danube Commission headquarters in Budapest. The event brought together representatives from the European Commission (Ms Desireé Oen, Policy Advisor to Rhine-Danube Coordinator, DG MOVE/B1) and from the Danube Commission (Mr Petar Margic, General Director) as well as more than 60 experts and stakeholders with a dedicated interest in the Danube navigation.

DANTE – initiated and coordinated by Pro Danube – aims at identifying and eliminating the administrative barriers for inland waterway transport (IWT) on the Danube & its navigable tributaries as a joint initiative of the private sector and the national public authorities responsible for these barriers. The project partners will develop good practices and guidelines for effective administration of IWT activities in relation to the identified barriers. One key element for the successful project implementation will be the development of a transnational IWT barrier reporting tool for collecting user experiences.

"Administrative barriers and related fees in the logistics of goods and passengers on the Danube & its navigable tributaries are major obstacles for wide-scale and efficient use of the river as main transport axis of the region. DANTE is one important step towards tackling, mitigating and abolishing the most important administrative barriers in a coordinated and transnationally integrated manner", says Alexandru Capatu, President of Pro Danube International.

By improving administrative procedures and by reducing bureaucratic processes as well as related charges & fees for IWT operations, DANTE aims for harmonized regulations and simplified administrative processes of transport & transhipment operations following the "Same River-Same Rules" concept of Pro Danube. This shall lead to better governance & management of this environmentally-friendly European core transport infrastructure and reduce the logistics costs of major industries depending on waterway transportation for their global competitiveness.

"DANTE – Improving Administrative Procedures and Processes for Danube IWT" project is co-funded by European Union Funds (ERDF, IPA) under the Danube Transnational Programme and will run for 30 months (January 2017 – June 2019). It will be implemented by a transnational consortium of 16 co-funded organisations and 12 associated strategic partners (public authorities, consulting companies, universities and NGOs) from 10 European countries. The project has a total budget of 1.982.786,00 Euro, out of which ERDF contribution amounts 1.650.134,75 Euro & IPA contribution amounts 35.233,35 Euro. More information is available at:

The work of DANTE shall result in reduced time losses and costs caused by ineffective administrative regulations & processes which generate unnecessary financial burden for Danube businesses. This will be achieved in cooperative meetings with public authorities to develop and implement simplified administrative procedures & processes for IWT operations. DANTE outcomes shall strengthen the competitive position of companies using the Danube and its navigable tributaries in their logistic chain, thus contributing to economic growth and the creation of jobs in the region by increased efficient public administration. These achievements together can lead to a better position of inland waterway transport in the modal split by fostering the channelling of the growing transport demand into IWT as the environmentally-friendly low-carbon mode of transportation.

The work of DANTE shall result in reduced time losses and costs caused by ineffective administrative regulations & processes which generate unnecessary financial burden for Danube businesses. This will be achieved in cooperative meetings with public authorities to develop and implement simplified administrative procedures & processes for IWT operations. DANTE outcomes shall strengthen the competitive position of companies using the Danube and its navigable tributaries in their logistic chain, thus contributing to economic growth and the creation of jobs in the region by increased efficient public administration. These achievements together can lead to a better position of inland waterway transport in the modal split by fostering the channelling of the growing transport demand into IWT as the environmentally-friendly low-carbon mode of transportation.

Project Coordinator
Pro Danube International – Association for the promotion of transportation on the Danube, Handelskai 265, 1020, Vienna, Austria,

Contact person
Ruxandra Florescu, Pro Danube International, Communication Manager, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , +43 1 890 66 47 24

This is a common press release of Pro Danube International, the Danube Commission and the Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and industry. Any reproduction of parts of this press release or the entire usage of it shall be made with the consent of these organisations.

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“Green Deal” initiative officially launched at the Danube Transport Day in European Parliament

Pro Danube officially launched on 7 September 2016 the “Green Deal for Danube Transport” – a private sector initiative to promote sustainable transport on the Danube with an event in the European Parliament.

Together with MEP Ana-Claudia Tapardel (Member TRAN), Pro Danube International organized the “Danube Transport Day” in the European Parliament on 7 September 2016, an event dedicated to the promotion of Danube transportation as vital element of the economic development of the Danube region.

The event brought together representatives from the European Parliament (MEPs Gesine Meissner,  Ertug Ismail, Georgi Pirinski), the European Commission (Ms Corina Cretu – Commissioner for Regional Policy and Herald Ruijters – Acting Director DG Move/B), representatives from the Danube States (Mr Ionut Mosteanu – Secretary of State, Ministry of Transport of Romania), high level industry leaders (Mr Max Schulman – Copa-Cocega, Mr Evgeny Tankhilevich – Dunaferr, Mr Michael Viefers – Rhenus SE & CO KG, Antonio Stoean – TTS Group, Wolfgang Lüftner – Danubia Kreuzfahrten GmbH) as well as more than 60 experts and stakeholders with a dedicated interest in the Danube navigation.

“The Danube is one the most important European waterways, with a huge potential for the development of regional industries. In the context of European and global climate changes, the Danube offers a sustainable alternative to traditional road transport. For these reasons, this event aims to highlight the challenges the Danube region is facing and to propose a set of measures to be supported by both the stakeholders and the European institutions. To successfully develop the Danube region, there needs to be a strong connection between the transport priorities and the funds allocated for regional development”, said Ms Tapardel.

As keynote speaker, Commissioner Corina Cretu has sent an important message of support for transforming the Danube into a sustainable core transport axis of the European Union. Addressing an audience consisting of representatives from the European institutions as well as companies and organizations that promote or have commercial activities along the river, Ms Cretu emphasized the need to develop projects aimed at improving the infrastructure and the legislative framework in line with environmental protection. According to Commissioner Cretu: “The Danube is the most international river in the world which gives it a unique character but also presents a challenge in terms of cooperation and coordination of riparian countries. In this context, the Danube Strategy has played a major role in facilitating political decisions important for the region, but also for the realization of infrastructure projects that improve navigability.”

As a vital instrument to facilitate the sustainable development of the Danube waterway and its main navigable tributaries, Pro Danube proposes a “Green Deal for Danube River Transport” to foster a strong cooperation of the public and private sector in order to enhance and to green the Danube river transport.

Extremely appreciated by both the policy makers as well as the industry representatives, the Green Deal will bring tangible results starting with early 2017 as soon as the first foreseen projects will be launched.

Based on daily business examples, the pragmatic dialogue raised the attention of the policy makers with regard to urgent and sustainable improvements of fairway maintenance and infrastructure development, which are responsible to a large extent for the quality and reliability of the Danube logistics services. Environmentally friendly and cost-effective Danube logistics services are essential elements to ensure sustainable development and prosperity in the Danube region. On the long term, both Commissioner Cretu and MEP Tapardel expect that investments are assured at an increasing rate by those directly concerned, whereas the European institutions and national authorities shall support them by creating a more favorable framework.

According to Alexandru Capatu, Chairman of Pro Danube International, “Starting from the need to create synergies between stakeholders, Green Deal proposes measures for a safe Danube infrastructure and for fleets’ modernization, taking into account the environmental protection concerns. At the same time, by involving ports and terminal operators and logistics service providers, activities will also focus on attracting new industries as well as determining existing ones to switch to water transport.”

About Green Deal
The Green Deal for Danube River Transport is a policy initiative developed by Pro Danube to increase the transport volumes on the Danube and to modernize the Danube navigation sector following the environmental and economic challenges ahead. Green Deal proposes good practice examples inspired from innovative models adopted in Western Europe, with dedicated focus on the modernization of the Danube fleet and the reduction of environmental impact. Based on four main pillars, the Green Deal shall facilitate commitments of governments/administrations of the Danube States, of the fleet & barge operators, of the port & terminal operators as well as of industrial users of the Danube waterway together with their logistics service providers.

More information is available here.

About Pro Danube
Pro Danube International (PDI) acts as network of private businesses to promote better infrastructure and services which result in a more intensive use of the environmentally friendly inland waterway. PDI adequately represents the “Danube-minded business” in the political debate on transport policy, transport technology and regional development. The association is a driving force in the development of the Danube as a competitive logistics system that does not compensate or duplicate existing initiatives and other professional associations but integrates and strengthens their activities. PDI acts as a competent partner for authorities and administrations by supporting the definition and implementation of policy actions based on the experiences of the private sector.

More information is available at:

Danube Transport Day in European Parliament

In collaboration with MEP Ana-Claudia Tapardel (Member TRAN) PDI is organising the “Danube Transport Day” on 7 September 2016 in the European Parliament, in Brussels. This event will bring together on one side officials from the European Parliament and the European Commission (confirmed participation of Ms Corina Cretu – Commissioner for Regional Policy) and on the other side industry representatives from main industries active in the Danube region.

The event shall raise the awareness of the members of the European Parliament for the economic potentials of the Danube waterway axis and discuss on concrete actions and investment possibilities to improve the competitive situation of the main industries and foster development of the entire region. A preliminary agenda can be found here. Please note that participation is free of charge and will provide very good networking opportunities.

If you are interested to participate, please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Registration deadline is 30 August.

Information on an investment opportunity in Agigea, Romania

TRAN-PEC IFN, a Romanian company based in Galati, intends to sell a plot of land with a surface of approx. 46,767 sqm in a non-residential location in Agigea. The envisaged site has direct access to the Danube-Black Sea Canal and to the Black Sea via the Constanta South Port. The plot is located within easy reach distance to the railway terminal as well as to the A2 highway which is connecting Constanta to Bucharest. On the west side is bordered by lake Agigea, a
35 ha large lake.

More information can be retrieved here.