GRENDEL project: First Know-How Transfer Event on Modernisation of Danube Vessels Fleet was organised in Vienna

Modernising the Danube fleet is one of the main objectives of the GRENDEL project. Therefore, the aim of this event, organised in cooperation with the INDanube Innovation Transfer Centre, was to bring together vessel operators from the Danube region with innovation experts and suppliers. Increasing the knowledge among Danube IWT stakeholders about greening technologies that meet the strict requirements of the Non-Road Mobile Machinery Regulation is a major precondition in the successful modernisation process of the Danube fleet. Furthermore, transferring knowledge to vessel operators is a vital prerequisite for decisions directly linked to financing the modernisation of a fleet that urgently needs comprehensive investments in order to be able to compete with other modes of transport. In this sense, supporting the investment capacity of stakeholders in the Danube fleet, by developing innovative financial instruments at the transnational  level (State Aid Scheme), is another main objective of the GRENDEL project.

picture grendel

The event started with keynote speeches delivered by representatives of the sector and on behalf of DG MOVE, European Commission, by Mr. Hughes van Honacker, Senior Expert. In his speech, Mr. Manfred Seitz (PDI) noted that GRENDEL is the third project after DANTE and DAPhNE that addresses the objectives defined in the policy initiative “Green Deal for Danube River Transport” launched by Pro Danube International. Green Deal is a cooperative policy instrument which provides a coordinated framework for joint public and private actions to improve the efficiency and eco-performance of Danube IWT. Both Mr. Hughes van Honacker (DG MOVE) and Mr. Gernot Pauli (CCNR) agreed that it is of outmost importance to take more proactive measures to secure a smooth integration of IWT in the European transport and logistics chains. Furthermore, DG MOVE welcomes and supports initiatives like GRENDEL.

The manifold topics of the agenda contained examples of good practices (inland vessel modernisation projects and initiatives), European legal requirements for emission reduction and future-oriented innovative technological solutions for the inland waterway transport sector (batteries, new diesel fuels, hybrid/diesel-electric and gas/gas-electric propulsion systems, after-treatment solutions etc.).

In the era of digitalisation where low to zero emissions play a significant role on the European policy agenda, the transnational modernisation of the Danube fleet is no longer an option,
but a must. As the transport sector is faced with a significant increase of road congestion, Danube IWT has the potential to become a reliable, efficient, cost-effective and safe alternative mode of transport, connecting as much as 10 different European countries. Therefore, one of the main conclusions of the event was that innovative technological solutions have to respond to the concrete needs, challenges and specific preconditions of the Danube region.

It was furthermore concluded that the Governments of the Danube region should proactively support the greening of the fleet. By looking at the current regulatory framework, it became clear that concrete incentives are missing. The IWT sector should be directly involved in the complex decision making process at both European and national levels. Moreover, the NAIADES III action programme should receive adequate and dedicated funds to improve the overall situation of IWT in Europe.

First Advisory Group of the Danube Ports Network elected

Danube Ports Network (DPN) announced that it formed on 6 February 2019 an Advisory Group (AdG) to assist in further building and consolidating the capacity and identity of the Network, implementing the DPN’s current plans, as well as identifying means to capitalize on future growth opportunities. In addition, the AdG shall contribute to achieving a more dynamic, sustainable, state-of-the art network of ports in the Danube Region with a stronger With the election of Captain Béla Szalma as Chairman, the DPN’s Advisory Group consists of 6 members, including Werner Auer, Managing Director Ennshafen, Anguel Zabourtov, Director General of the Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.), Gerhard Gussmagg, Managing Director Rhenus Logistics, Rhenus Donauhafen Krems, and Thomas Moser, General Director Danube Logistics SRL general investor and operator of Giurgiulesti International Free Port (GIFP). The National Company Maritime Ports Administration Constanta S.A. shall also be represented in the DPN Advisory Group.and more coordinated voice at regional and EU level.

PDI was appointed as a member of the Digital, Transport and Logistics Forum

We are happy to announce that Pro Danube International was officially appointed as a member for the second mandate of the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF). The appointment is valid for five years.

DTLF is a group of experts from both the public and private sector that provides a platform for stakeholders from different transport and logistics communities to exchange technical knowledge and assist the European Commission in developing and implementing policy measures. DTLF identifies challenges and areas where common actions at EU level are needed, providing recommendations and actively supporting their implementation.

The tasks of DTLF during its second mandate are to:

  • facilitate cooperation and foster coordination between the European Commission, Member States and key stakeholders;
  • provide advice and technical expertise, and to assist the European Commission in the preparation, development and implementation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives;
  • assist the European Commission in the preparation of delegated acts;
  • exchange information, experience and good practice;
  • deliver opinions, reports, and develop and propose innovative solutions to the European Commission.

Conclusions on effective waterway infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance on the Danube and its navigable tributaries signed during the Danube Ministers Meeting on 3 December in Brussels

The Ministers and Heads of Delegations responsible for Transport from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Moldova, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia, Ukraine and the Republic of Serbia met on 3 December 2018 in Brussels to reinforce their commitment towards effective waterway infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance on the Danube and its navigable tributaries. Considering the importance of inland waterway transport for the support of Europe's growth and competitiveness and in particular the fact that the transport potential of the Danube River and of its navigable tributaries is not sufficiently exploited, all signatory ministers (with the exception of Hungary) acknowledged the efforts done so far in terms of actions, masterplans and projects and come up with a set of measures and recommendations for further enhancing the development of the Danube as an environmentally friendly and cost effective transport mode. All these measures and recommendations are encompassed in the so-called “Conclusions” document meant to be taken as reference in the future actions of the signatory Danube states. A copy of the signed conclusions can be accessed here.