Transport Business Summit 2014

The second "Transport Business Summit" takes place in Brussels, Belgium on 27 March 2014. The event brings together business leaders and decision makers to discuss how can transport contribute to Europe's goals for jobs creation and economic growth. The event is hosted by Siim Kallas, European Commission Vice-President and the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. For more information, you can visit the events's webpage here.

Business summit

Trading Line Ltd. provides daily information about critical points on the Danube

Trading Line Ltd, member of PDI Network, offers on a daily basis predictions about the water depths of the Romanian critical points along the Danube and also about the water levels for the Hungarian ports along the Danube. The information provided by Trading Line is compiled from the National Institute of Hidrology and Water Management and  River Administration of the Lower Danube. Read More

Intermodal Strategies for the Danube Macro Region Conference

The conference will be held on 6 March 2014, in Salzburg, following the 112 Advisory Board Meeting of the SGKV (German Promotion Centre for Intermodal Transport). The event will be held in close cooperation with Verband Öffentlicher Binnenhäfen and Pro Danube  International. This conference will represent a good opportunity for the participants to exchange knowledge about ways and strategies to connect the Danube Makro Region with global trade lines and markets from a multimodal perspective. Read More

HINT consortium releases the 3rd edition of the project's newsletter

HINT (Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through Education and Information Technology) consortium has recently released the 3rd edition of the project's newsletter, revealing the latest most significant results of the project. For more information you may download the newsletter here or from the "Downloads&links - other organisations" section of our website.