The 2018 edition of the Danube Transport Factsheet recently released by Pro Danube presents updates on the transport volumes on the Danube, on the actual and future activities and projects meant to secure stable fairway conditions, boost fleet & ports modernization as well as reduce administrative barriers. For details, please check this factsheet here.
Among the highlights of the third edition of the high level event "Danube Business Talks" organized by viadonau was the presentation and the handing over by Mr. Manfred Seitz (representing Pro Danube International) of the Danube Waterway Industry Declaration to Mrs. Désirée Oen, Policy Adviser to the Rhine-Danube Coordinator, European Commission, and Mr. Norbert Hofer, the Austrian Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology. The proposed measures will be used as input to the important decisions that are foreseen to be taken at the meeting of the Danube Transport Ministers on the margin of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Transport) on 3 December this year. The declaration is reinforcing the voice of IWT stakeholders in the decision-making process at the national and European level.

Furthermore, EBU and ESO have compiled the Inland Waterway Transport Industry Declaration, while viadonau drafted a list of findings sumarizing some of the most important issues and opportunities for inland waterway transport, especially in the Danube Region.
The development of the Danube as a reliable transport mode is a project that has to go beyond borders. Although tangible progress has been achieved in the framework of the European Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), the outstanding potential of the Danube and its navigable tributaries as an environmentally friendly and cost effective transport mode is by far not sufficiently exploited.
As the Danube is regarded as an indispensable part of the Trans-European Networks for Transport, the businesses which form the Pro Danube network request both the national and European policymakers to take more concrete measures in order to overcome the existing shortcomings in the waterway infrastructure, to expand the Danube ports into centres for regional development and last, but not least, to actively foster the modernization of the Danube fleet. The upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 has to be used at its full potential in order to overcome the bottlenecks that are hindering the development of the IWT on the Danube as a feasible alternative to road transport.
To achieve these goals, the Industry Declaration proposes the following actions:
- Establish and ensure a safe and reliable waterway infrastructure.
- Execute the pre-defined TEN-T bottleneck infrastructure projects.
- Develop the Danube ports into effective centres of intermodal logistics and industrial growth.
- Facilitate the modernization of the Danube Fleet
- Reduce administrative barriers for waterway Transportation.
The General Secretary of Pro Danube International, Mr. Róbert Rafael, was invited to participate at the 10th Workshop on the follow-up of the Joint Statement on Guiding Principles on the Development of Inland Navigation and Environmental Protection in the Danube River Basin organised at the premises of the Danube Commission in Budapest.
Representing a network comprised of more than 150 businesses, Mr. Rafael stressed the importance of appropriate fairway maintenance, widely harmonised administrative requirements, adequate port infrastructure and last but not least, the urgent need to modernise the Danube fleet.
Pro Danube International has tackled throughout the years several aspects that hinder the development of inland waterway transport (IWT) at its full potential. DANTE, DAPhNE and GRENDEL addressed the objectives defined in the policy framework "Green Deal for Danube River Transport". Green Deal is a cooperative policy instrument which provides a coordinated framework for joint public and private actions to improve the efficiency and eco-pewrformance of Danube IWT. While the aim of DANTE was to harmonise as widely as possible administrative requirements at the transnational level, DAPhNE addressed the development of Danube ports. Both projects produced tangible results that are widely recognized at the transnational level. GRENDEL addresses the challenging modernisation process of the Danube fleet, having the core objective to implement a harmonised State Aid Scheme to support the greening of the fleet.
With the deepest sadness, we regret to inform you that our respected president, colleague and friend, Mr. Alexandru Capatu, has passed away on Saturday, 1st of September 2018. He has been fighting his serious illness in the past months with the same passion as he was striving for the improvement of the Danube waterborne transport over his entire business life.
Being one of the founders of Pro Danube International, Alexandru was the driving force behind several important initiatives such as the concept of “Same River – Same Rules” and the “Green Deal for Danube River Transport”, high-level political events like the “Danube Transport Days" in the European Parliament and many other strategic and policy initiatives.
Alexandru with his warm attitude and kind but firm professionalism will always remain in our hearts as a man of vision and dignity.
Odihneşte-te in pace Alexandru, drum bun! // (Rest in peace Alexandru, have a good trip!)

Funeral services will take place on 08.09.2018 at the Vienna Central Cemetary in Hall 2. For more details, please refer to the attached information here.
You may express your condolences in the online memorial book which can be accessed here.