LNG Masterplan for the Rhine-Main-Danube

On the 25th of March 2013 Pro Danube Management GmbH, successfully submitted the Project Proposal “LNG Master Plan for the Rhine-Main-Danube”, in its capacity of promoter and overall coordinator of the Project.
The project falls under the Priority Project Nr. 18 “Waterway axis Rhine/Meuse-Main-Danube” of the TEN-T Network Programme and includes 33 companies and organisations from 12 EU Member States with a project volume eligible for EU co-finance of app. 121 mn. € of which app. 52 mn. € will be allocated in the Danube region. Main partners from the Danube region are: Transport Trade S.A. which will invest into a receiving terminal in the Port of Constanta, Navrom S.A. Galati, which will convert vessels to LNG fuelling, Bulmarket DM Ltd. which will set up a distribution terminal in Ruse including supply of its gas customers by truck, Chemgas Holging B.V. which will invest in two LNG carriers, as well as Linz AG, Ceronav, Bernhard Schülte Ltd., Danube LNG EEIG, APDM Galati, University of Craiova, FHOÖ Forschungs- und Entwicklungs GmbH, EVN AG, Erste Group Bank AG and A3PS-Austrian Agency for Alternative Propulsion Systems.

PDI advocates guaranteed minimum fairway standards at RO-BG Interministerial Committee

On the 11th of February 2013 PDI took part in an informative meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Committee of Bulgaria and Romania on the Improvement of Navigability on the common Romanian-Bulgarian Section that took place in Bucharest, Romania. The meeting provided the participants with information on the state of play concerning the establishment of an Inter-Ministerial Committee (IC) between the two countries and the activities to be undertaken by the IC concerning the improvement of navigability on the common Romanian-Bulgarian section. The meeting was chaired by the Romanian Secretary of State for Transport and the Bulgarian Deputy Minister for Regional Development. Representatives of the EC - DG Regio, DG MOVE and DG Environment - as well as representatives of NGOs and other stakeholders attended the meeting.

PDI welcomes new members

PDI is proud to announce that 2013 was initiated with a total of 24 full members to the association extending the network to more than 120 companies. We warmly welcome the following new members to the PDI network (in order of date of accession): Rhenus Logistics SRL, and Bodewes Binnenvaart B.V. An updated overview of all the PDI Members is available in the members section of our website.
One of the Associations’ main priorities for 2013 shall be to further extend the PDI network and thus ensure wider support and backing for continuing our campaigning for better inland waterway transport on the Danube on policy as much as on implementation level.

Commissioner Hahn welcomed by PDI president on his tour to Romania

On 30 June, Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn visited Romania, the sixth country of his tour in the Danube Region celebrating the first year of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Hahn stressed the importance of the Danube waterway for the economic development of the region. PDI president Mr. Capatu participated in the Romanian delegation which welcomed the commissioner.