PDI participates in the working meeting of the IFC/Worldbank Western Balkans Trade Logistics Project, Belgrade, 27 September 2013

In May of this year, IFC/Worldbank invited PDI/Mr Seitz to present PDI´s viewpoints on administrative barriers for Danube transport as an input to its major project initiative on trade facilitation on the Western Balkans. This project is a 2.5 year, 2 million USD exercise co-funded by the European Commission and by client government contributions. The project addresses regulatory and administrative bottlenecks to cross-border trade which is a pre-condition for improving the current border-crossing situation on the Danube.


Following the first exchange of information, Mr Seitz was invited to participate a working meeting of the project on 27 September in Belgrade. He elaborated the existing problems for waterway transport in the Danube region and in particular with regard to the border crossing procedures for transport with and through Serbia. Representatives from Serbian authorities expressed their willingness to improve the current situation. Concrete improvements should be executed in the framework of an IFC facilitated implementation project. This project is currently in its design phase. PDI and IFC agreed to continue the exchange of information with regard to this forthcoming project.  

PDI participates in the workshop of the Danube Commission "A Prosperous Future for the Danube Navigation", Budapest,16-17 September 2013

The workshop brought together representatives of the shipping industry from Hungary, Serbia, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Germany and Croatia with the objective to improve the dialogue between the navigation sector and the Danube Commission under the newly elected General Secretariat. PDI participated in the workshop in order to raise the awareness of the Danube Commission for the severe navigation problems on the Danube.


In his presentation which was titled: “Guaranteed standards for waterway maintenance, Pre-condition for safe and cost-effective Danube navigation”, Mr Capatu explained the economic impact of neglected fairway maintenance and asked the new General Secretariat for concrete and tangible actions in the framework of the Commission´s work. He explicitly referred to Art. 4 of the Danube Convention which empowers the Danube Commission to act in case of failure of maintenance work under national responsibility.


In addition, Mr Seitz delivered a presentation on the EU TEN T co-financed LNG Masterplan for Rhine-Main-Danube and outlined the perspectives of LNG as vessel fuel and as a cargo on the Danube. In a follow-up meeting on executive level, the General Secretariat of the DC and PDI agreed on a closer co-operation in the future in order to achieve the common goal of infrastructure improvements.

Four New Members join PDI Network

As of September 2013, four new members joined the PDI network: SC Navrom Delta SA, Navmar Shipping Co. Ltd., Felbermayr Holding GmbH and SC SOCEP SA Constanta. All four new members can boast a long tradition in working on the Danube.
SC Navrom Delta SA is the first PDI member that is also dealing with passenger transport. The company was founded in 1999 and provides passenger and goods transport in the Danube Delta and Tulcea Municipality.
Under the motto “We don’t work for tomorrow. We create it.” Navmar Shipping Co. Ltd. provides shipping, offshore and industrial services, transport and logistics as well as corporate services since 2003. One other main field of commercial activity of Navmar is to provide tailor-made crewing and crew management services according to international ISO standards. 
Founded in 1942, Felbermayr Holding GmbH is the lead company for 21 operative subsidiaries which work in the field of logistics and transport, lifting technology as well as construction and civil engineering. Within the field of transport, the basis for the company's strength lays in the integration of all three transport modes: road, rail and water. Continuously growing and expanding, the company is one of the most significant international players.
SC SOCEP SA is a leading Constanta Port operator, owning a container and general cargo terminals in the Port of Constanta. Founded in 1991, SOCEP continuously improved its cargo handling services with containers, dry and break bulk cargo being the core of its operations. 

PDI grows by two new members

In July 2013 the PDI network has grown by two new members, namely Rhenus AG & Co. KG and Trading Line LTD.
With 24 000 employees at 350 locations in the world and an annual turnover of about 4 bn. EUR, Rhenus AG & Co KG is one of the leading logistics services provided in business areas such as contract logistics, freight logistics, port logistics and public transport, all in connection to management of complex supply chains and innovative value added services.
Trading Line LTD is a Romanian river transportation company based in the Port of Constanta and provides river transport services of break-bulk cargo (grain, steel, minerals etc.) as well as project cargo along the Danube.