On 30 June, Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn visited Romania, the sixth country of his tour in the Danube Region celebrating the first year of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Hahn stressed the importance of the Danube waterway for the economic development of the region. PDI president Mr. Capatu participated in the Romanian delegation which welcomed the commissioner.

Hahn visited among others the Hydroelectric Power Plant Iron Gates I, a RIS Center for Inland Navigation as well as the Calafat-Vidin bridge. In his statements he referred to the main activities of EUSDR/priority area 1a - Navigabiltiy of Danube and reported on the EC initiative on Danube maintenance which was initiated by PDI. Mr. Capatu took the opportunity to point to the need of harmonized actions in waterway and port development, to the need of fleet modernization and the importance of tangible results of the EUSDR actions.
For more information on the visit of the Commissioner to the Danube in Romania see: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/hahn/headlines/news/2012/07/02_3/index_en.cfm