SAVE the DATE: DIONYSUS Kick-Off Event on 8 October 2020

Under the lead of Pro Danube Romania, the DIONYSUS project is a follow-up of the DAPhNE project, having the core objective to address main regional challenges in port infrastructure governance and planning in order to facilitate the integration of the Danube Region into smart and sustainable multi-modal transport chains.

Online event, 8 October 2020, 10:00-14:00

GRENDEL: Know-How Transfer Event successfully organised

Following the success story of the previous edition organised in March 2019, this year's Know-How Transfer Event for the Modernisation of the Danube Fleet brought together representatives of the European Commission, international organisations, IWT stakeholders, as well as innovation experts and suppliers to debate on available technologies which have the potential to pave the way towards climate neutrality by 2050, as foreseen by the European Green Deal. Innovative technologies that address the challenges set by the NRMM Regulation were among the highlights of the event. With energy efficiency and carbon neutrality having a prominent role on the European policy agenda, adapting the outdated Danube fleet to the needs and requirements of a future oriented transport system is an endeavor that must go beyond borders.

The online event, organised by GRENDEL in cooperation with INDanube and hosted by the Danube Commission, resulted in fruitful discussions and information exchanges between technology providers and IWT stakeholders. 

Presentations are available for download on: 

Know-how transfer event in the field of biogas technologies

The first edition of the W2GAS - Waste to Compost and Green Energy - Know-how Transfer Event was organised by Pro Danube on 29 September 2020. Although the event took place online due to the current COVID-19 situation, the meeting was attended by a wide range of excellent speakers, giving an insight into Austria’s support towards potential technology exports, sustainable developments in the fuel sector, as well as insights into Austrian biogas technology.

Please find in the following section a list of presenting companies and their presentations from our event, for your information:
The project is co-funded by the kit4market Programme of aws (Austria Wirtschaftsservice). The W2GAS project is currently still ongoing until December 2020 and Pro Danube will organise a second edition in November 2020.

For further information on the project or the second Know-how Event, feel free to contact Mr. Markus Eppich (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

PhysICAL project website has been recently published

Representing the IWT industry in the framework of the Physical project, Pro Danube is aware of the necessity to efficiently implement physical internet into cooperative logistics. Pro Danube Management is actively involved in all project activities, acting as a bridge between the IWT industry and the involved project partners. Physical’s website was recently released and is available here:                     

In order to obtain updated information on the milestones reached in the framework of the project, please subscribe to its newsletter here: