Pro Danube Austria's General Assembly: New Leadership and Key Developments

PDA 1Pro Danube recently participated in the General Assembly organised by its sister association, Pro Danube Austria, held at the premises of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Steyr. A highlight of this meeting was the election of Lisa-Maria Putz-Egger as the new president of Pro Danube Austria. Fritz Lehr will continue to support the association in his role as vice president. Pro Danube extends its congratulations to the newly elected management team.

Key Developments: TEN-T Regulation and its Impact
A major topic of discussion was the recently adopted Trans-Europen Transport Network (TEN-T) Regulation. Pro Danube's General Secretary, Róbert Rafael, emphasised the regulation's importance and the challenges it presents to the Danube IWT community.
The new TEN-T Regulation aims to create seamless, high-quality transport networks across Europe, focusing on sustainable connectivity without physical interruptions, bottlenecks and missing links. The corridor approach is crucial to achieving the EU's goals of sustainable mobility and economic, social, and territorial cohesion.

The development of the TEN-T network is planned in 3 phases:
  • 2030: core network completion.
  • 2040: extended core network completion (this intermediary deadline was introduced to advance the completion of large-scale, mainly cross-border projects).
  • 2050: comprehensive network completion.
Key provisions for IWT
Several provisions are particularly relevant for our industry.
  • Good Navigation Status: ensuring minimum requirements for navigability, especially low water provisions.
  • Inland Ports Connectivity: ports must be connected to road or rail infrastructure and must offer at least one multimodal freight terminal accessible to all operators.
  • Environmental Performance: ports should have facilities to improve the environmental performance of vessels.
  • Digitalisation and Alternative Energy Solutions: the regulation also emphasises the importance of digitalisation and automation to increase the safety and sustainability of IWT.
In a nutshell, the revised TEN-T Regulation aims to improve the environmental performance of IWT highlighting the crucial role of multimodality in this regard. 

Pro Danube Advocates for Balanced Solutions in the Frame of Preparing FAIRway 2 Works in the Rhine-Danube Corridor

FAIRway Advisory Commitee MeetingPro Danube participated in the recently organised 4th Advisory Committee Meeting of the CEF co-funded project Preparing FAIRway 2 works in the Rhine-Danube Corridor. The aim of this project, jointly implemented by Austria, Croatia, and Serbia, is to bring the Danube waterway infrastructure forward, in an efficient, sustainable, and user-friendly manner.

Pro Danube was represented by its Chairman, Herfried Leitner, and General Secretary, Róbert Rafael, who highlighted the importance of integrating environmental considerations with the primary objective of improving transport solutions. While it is essential to account for flora, fauna, biodiversity, and nature protection, the emphasis must remain on finding effective solutions for transport tasks while respecting environmental aspects. Róbert's intervention underscored the necessity for innovative approaches that harmonise environmental and economic priorities.  

Pro Danube Welcomes MAHART Container Center On Board

Welcome MahartWe are thrilled to announce that MAHART Container Center has decided to join the Pro Danube community! 

MAHART Container Center (MCC) is a tri-modal terminal located in Budapest. The terminal connects rail, road and river (barge) transport and is able to handle any kind of unaccompanied intermodal means of transport, like containers (ISO containers, tank containers, 45’ pallet wide containers), semi-trailers and SWAP/WAB bodies. The terminal is on the Danube river, near to Budapest center and also near to M0 motorway connecting the terminal to all motorways in Hungary from M1 to M7. This way all areas of Hungary can be reached by truck relatively fast. With its unique location, the MAHART Container Center has direct relevance in several TEN-T Corridors: the Orient-East Med, the Mediterranean andthe Rhine-Danube, spanning a European reach-out from Spain to the Ukraine.

MCC is able to render all kinds of services connected to intermodal transport, core activity is lifting and storage of all kinds of intermodal units, other activities customs procedures, river and road transport, container repairs and cleaning, trans-shipment, etc.
In 2022 MCC opened a new empty container depot at an area rented from BUD Budapest Airport, providing a storage capacity of 2,700 TEU empty containers. As the territory at this moment can be reached by road transport only, the containers are arriving and departing on trucks.

To find out more about our new member please check:


Digitalisation: The Catalyst for Progress & Innovation

GRIP workshopPro Danube was thrilled to share its preliminary results at the Green Inland Ports workshop, emphasising the crucial role of digitalisation for inland ports on their challenging journey towards climate neutrality. The workshop provided a platform to discuss key issues like emission reduction, sustainable urban transport, and greening initiatives, which are essential for the sustainable future of inland ports. 

Róbert's presentation of Pro Danube's preliminary findings highlighted the vast potential of digital solutions. These insights underscored that digitalisation is not merely an option, but an indispensable tool for progress and innovation. By integrating digital solutions, inland ports can significantly enhance their operational efficiency, reduce emissions, and contribute to the overall sustainability of transport networks.