We are looking forward to your contribution and hearing from your experience to the project if you are an inland port authority, terminal/port operator, IWT operator/barge owner, waterway authority, logistic service provider/shipper, port associations or a ministry/local authority. The survey focuses on the following elements: the environmental impact of inland ports, innovative urban mobility and short-range inland waterway transport and digitalisation of inland ports.
About GRIP
The European Commission launched the Green Inland Ports Study in view of the policy ambitions and general context outlined above. The aim of the study is to identify and evaluate the factors affecting the sustainable development of inland ports and propose solutions of the implementation of green objectives paired with their economic development. The study has been commissioned by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The work is executed by the consortium: Ecorys, CE Delft, Panteia, Pro Danube, Planco, EICB and Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Deadline: 1 May 2024