Among the focal points of discussion were the two EU-funded projects Pro Danube is actively involved in: the Green Inland Ports Study (GRIP) and MultiRELOAD.
Geert Smit, from Ecorys, the organisation leading the Green Inland Ports Study, outlined its core objectives, focusing on assessing the environmental impact of ports, maximising the potential of digitalisation for sustainability, and exploring the integration of inland waterway transport into urban mobility and short-distance logistics. Notably, Pro Danube's leading role in addressing the thematic aspect of digitalisation underscored our crucial role in shaping the future of inland ports.
Meanwhile, the MultiRELOAD project shed light on the untapped potential of container transport on the Danube. Despite the Danube's strategic importance, container transport along its route remains underutilised. However, the MultiRELOAD study revealed a promising opportunity for growth. Even a modest 5% shift from road to inland waterways could result in a substantial 47% increase in freight transport along the Danube. This insight underscores the strategic importance of the Danube within Europe's transport network.
Finally, the official launch of the Danube Ports Days 2024 event within the framework of the meeting was met with eager anticipation from participants comprising of industry leaders, experts, and IWT enthusiasts. This event promises to be a platform for fostering collaboration, sharing insights, and driving innovation within the IWT sector.