After more than 6 years of intensive teamwork for improved fairway conditions on the Danube, the FAIRway Danube project, coordinated by the
Austrian BMK and
viadonau, together with the Danube-riparian waterway manager organisations, has come to an end. The results are something to be proud of as they are a major step forward in securing an uninterrupted transport flow along the Danube. On behalf of the Danube IWT industry, the final event of the project was attended by Pro Danube's members
TTS and
DP World Constanța and PDI's President and General Secretary.
During the event the beneficiaries have provided an overview of the results delivered, including the marking and surveying equipment, the water level displaying and forecasting tools, and also some related projects, such as the upgrade of the locks at Gabcikovo.
The European Coordinator for the Rhine-Danube Corridor and the participants of the panel discussions welcomed the results and demanded for the continuation of the good path, whereas also reflected the current challenges with regards to the water level.
In the Pro Danube intervention, Mr. Leitner and Mr. Rafael highlighted the achievements of FAIRway from the perspective of the Danube IWT industry. It is a well-known fact that economically viable transport services are dependent on stable and predictable fairway conditions. In light of the recent legislative developments at the European level which pave the way towards climate neutrality, proper fairway conditions and adequate infrastructure facilities are key prerequisites to increase and further strengthen IWT's competitiveness. They have also highlighted the further needs and the involvement of the sector in the pro-active waterway management and maintenance as stated in
PDI´s Call for Action from September 2021.
The presentation delivered by PDI during the event is available for download
More information on the project can be retrieved under