The key achievements of DAPhNE and expected results of GRENDEL were presented by PDI’s General Secretary, Mr. Róbert Rafael, in the framework of the EUSDR PA 1a 17th Steering Group Meeting organised earlier this month in Brussels.
Based on the successful implementation of the policy initiative “Green Deal for Danube River Transport” developed by Pro Danube International, the DANTE and DAPhNE projects produced tangible results that are widely recognized on the European level. Meanwhile, the expectations set for GRENDEL´s ambitious plan to propose a harmonized State Aid Scheme on the transnational level in proactively supporting the challenging modernisation process of the Danube fleet are extremely high. The main conclusion was that even though Pro Danube`s initiatives managed to have a positive impact on the overall development of waterborne transport in the Danube Region, there is still a long way to go until IWT is exploited at its full economic and environmental potential.