Legal notice

Disclosure according to § 5 E-Commerce Law of Austria

Pro Danube International

Non-Profit Association for the promotion of transportation on the Danube

Grünbergstraße 15/1/5

1120 Vienna, Austria

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Central Register of Associations (Zentrales Vereinsregister, ZVR): 203524390

EU Transparency Register ID: 875268617630-39

Chairman of the Board: Herfried LEITNER

Deputy Chairmen: Peter WÖTZINGER and Alexandru-Serban CUCU

Members of the Board: Marian BUJOR, Radu COMANICI, Vasile GIUGLEA, Mathias von TUCHER, Viorel PANAIT, Bojan LASKOVIC

General Secretary: Robert RAFAEL

Pro Danube Management GmbH


Grünbergstraße 15/1/5

1120 Vienna, Austria

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VAT registration: ATU67375002

Commercial register: FN 383489f, Commercial Court Vienna

Member of Wirtschaftskammer Wien

General Managers: Peter WÖTZINGER

The content of this website was prepared with the highest possible accuracy.
However, we cannot accept any liability for the information contained and especially for the links to other websites including the information available there.