Below you may find a selection of some of our most important projects.
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PREMETER - Regional Cooperation for a Greener Danube Fleet - Preparation of the DEMETER projectTimeframe: 09/2024 – 08/2025 Co-funded by the European Union |
The PREMETER project, supported by the European Union, aims to lay the groundwork for a large-scale project called DEMETER, which focuses on the green modernisation of the Danube fleet. Its primary objective is to advance the electrification and retrofitting of short-distance vessels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable inland waterway transport. The preparatory activities of the PREMETER project include:
Green Inland Ports - Study on Enabling Sustainable Management and Development of Inland PortsTimeframe: 11/2022 – 11/2025 Funded by the European Union |
Inland ports are an essential part of the EU’s transport infrastructure along the core Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). They are key to the EU’s connectivity, economy and regions, and will play a crucial role in the European Green Deal’s ambition to reduce transport emissions by 90% by 2050. In preparation for this, the European Commission has launched the Green Inland Ports Study. The study aims to support European inland ports to become zero-emission, sustainable hubs connecting Europe. The study assesses the environmental impact of ports on their surroundings, looks at the role of digitalisation in becoming more sustainable and identifies opportunities to adopt inland waterway transport for urban mobility and short-distance transport. These elements will form the basis for the development of a quality management system that monitors the environmental and sustainable performance of the ports. This system will be tested in a minimum of ten inland ports. |
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MultiRELOAD - Port Solutions for Efficient, Effective and Sustainable MultimodalityTimeframe: 09/2022 – 09/2025 Funding programme: Horizon Europe |
Inland ports are key for multimodal transport chains, for both continental and maritime transport. There are 225 inland ports in Europe, many of which act as key multi-modal logistics and economic hubs near urban nodes, providing mobility infrastructure and smart solutions for both passengers and freight. MultiRELOAD enhances the collaboration between different freight nodes in Europe to jointly test innovations and create favourable market conditions for multimodal freight transport solutions. To this end, MultiRELOAD will demonstrate solutions in three Innovation Areas with specific aims by 2025, mirroring the measures of the EU’s Smart Mobility Strategy, as follows: A) Smart multimodal logistics: facilitate a shift from road to rail & IWT of 5%; For a total of 36 months, the MultiRELOAD consortium comprising of ports, highly innovative technology, logistics and service providers, leading European research institutions and well-connected networks will cooperate intensely to facilitate significant modal shift to sustainable modes of transport, radical efficiency increase of supply chains and capacity-sharing (data, infrastructure, loading space, etc.) for all operators within the key Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) Rhine-Alpine and Rhine-Danube Corridors. Duisport is internationally highly connected and acts as a role model and digital innovation trendsetter on the logistic supply chains worldwide. In MultiRELOAD, duisport together with the Ports of Vienna (AT) and Basel (CH) will lead the transition of inland ports towards carbon-neutrality by jointly testing, demonstrating, evaluating and rolling out highly innovative multimodal freight solutions in seven different demonstrations structured in the three thematic innovation areas named above. MultiRELOAD demonstrators will be set up, implemented and evaluated by regional consortia with port authorities, operators, supported by technology and service providers, and relevant research organizations. All MultiRELOAD innovations promise to significantly increase the flexibility, service visibility and reduce the average cost of freight transport on average by 10%. MultiRELOAD’s innovative solutions will be developed further towards sound business plans & models, ready for a wide uptake, thus improving the overall market maturity. The two already existing business incubators startport in Duisburg and thinkport Vienna will provide business angel expertise for new services & start-ups developing smart multimodal solutions. Finally, a wealth of final customers (i.e. logistics service providers, freight forwarders and cargo owners) will be directly involved by means of the MultiRELOAD User Forum for the validation of innovations, thus ensuring the market-readiness of solutions. |
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H2 meets H2OTimeframe: 04/2022 – 03/2023 Funding programme: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) |
The aim of the exploratory project “H2 meets H2O” is to assess the feasibility and applicability of hydrogen supply along the Danube as logistics backbone from a technical, legal and socio-economic point of view. Therefore, based on a multimodal supply concept, from the production of hydrogen up to the end-users, the logistical basis for a subsequent R&D project with innovative pilot applications for inland waterway vessels, railways and trucks shall be created. |
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LASTING – Let’s go for Waterborne Transport Research - Broadening engagement and increasing impactTimeframe: 01/2021 – 06/2024 Funding programme: Horizon 2020 |
Under the lead of Shipyards and maritime equipment association of Europe (SEA Europe), LASTING broadens the engagement of the broader waterborne transport sector in European RD&I activities, by developing a communication strategy and implementing a long-lasting communication campaign beyond the lifetime of the project, ultimately increasing stakeholder engagement in the sector and thereby increasing impact of European waterborne transport RD&I. |
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PLATINA3 – Platform for the implementation of a future inland navigation action programmeTimeframe: 01/2021 – 06/2023 Funding programme: Horizon 2020 |
PLATINA3 provides targeted coordination and support activities to promote Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) in Europe. PLATINA3 makes the bridge towards future research, innovation and implementation needs within IWT in Europe. A key objective is providing the knowledge base for the implementation of the EU Green Deal in view of further development of EC`s IWT action programme (NAIADES) towards 2030. PLATINA3 addresses priority topics for the success of IWT:
The platform is a catalyst for awareness, stakeholder engagement and uptake of outcomes from related national and European projects and initiatives. PLATINA3 consolidates their findings, assesses their impacts and gaps. Desk research and dialogues with experts and stakeholders lead subsequently to policy and R&D roadmaps and implementation plans. Interactive workshops and consultations are organised in 6 PLATINA Stage events. More information is available at: |
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PhysICAL – Physical Internet through Cooperative Austrian LogisticsTimeframe: 06/2020 – 04/2025 Funding programme: Mobility of the Future Programme of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency |
Under the lead of Fraunhofer Austria, seventeen partners are actively engaged in the PhysICAL project – “Physical Internet through Cooperative Austrian Logistics" - having the core objective to efficiently implement physical internet in cooperative logistics, using different types of smart technologies and applications. The main strategic goal of PhysICAL is to demonstrate by 2024 that cooperative logistics brings economic benefits to shippers and the transport industry in Austria. Specifically, this goal relates to the reduction of transport costs expected in the framework of the foreseen four pilots which amounts of up to 10% (in pilot "Booking platform", pilot "Smart logistic", pilot "CEP last mile", pilot "Supply Chain 3.0") by:
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DIONYSUS – Integrating Danube Region into Smart and Sustainable Multimodal & Intermodal Transport ChainsTimeframe: 07/2020 – 12/2022 Funding programme: Interreg Danube Transnational Programme |
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STEERER – Structuring Towards Zero Emission Waterborne TransportTimeframe: 12/2019 – 11/2022 Funding programme: Horizon 2020 |
Considering the diversity of the sector, the geographical scope, the international dimension and the challenge to transform waterborne transport into a zero-emission mode of transport (including all possible types of emission), STEERER supports the development of a unified approach concerning the implementation of zero-emission technologies. It brings together key actors to reach the zero-emission objective, builds consensus on the decrease of emissions towards 2050, and develops an ambitious research and innovation agenda, including an implementation plan. The cornerstone of the implementation plan is to secure that the transition towards zero-emission waterborne transport is economically viable and putting Europe as a world leader in the transition process.
More information is available at: |
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COMPETING – Competence Based Education and Training for Inland NavigationTimeframe: 01/2019 – 06/2022 Funding programme: ERASMUS + |
COMPETING project paves the way for the introduction of competency based future proof education and training for inland navigation crew members throughout the European Union. Future certificates will be recognised throughout Europe. Sustainable solutions, automation and digitalisation as well as communication on a European level will be part of the education and training programmes. The utmost goal of the project is to increase labour mobility in the inland shipping sector. COMPETING is an Erasmus+ project.
More information is available at: |
W2GAS - Waste-To-Compost and Green EnergyTimeframe: 01/2020 – 12/2020 Funding programme: kit4market |
The project´s aim was to investigate implementation options for waste to biogas plants in Romania, based on innovative technologies and know-how originating from Austria.
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GREEN DANUBE - Integrated transnational policies and practical solutions for an environmentally-friendly Inland Water Transport system in the Danube regionTimeframe: 01/2017 – 06/2019 Funding programme: Interreg Danube Transnational Programme |
Green Danube addresses major challenges in the Danube transport system and provides practical solutions to be used in subsequent emission reduction strategy and for further development of safer and low emission IWT as well as for the implementation of innovative green technologies. The project will focus on emission reductions from IWT in particular in ecologically sensitive areas such as the Danube Delta. The project aims to contribute to better integrated policies and practical solutions for further development of IWT while limiting its negative impacts on the Danube ecosystem.
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NOVIMAR - Novel IWT and maritime transport conceptsTimeframe: 06/2017 - 11/2021 Funding programme: Horizon 2020 |
The project brings together 22 partners (universities, authorities, training centres, technology providers, port administrations, consulting companies) from both north-western Europe (Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany) and CEE Region (Austria, Hungary, Serbia). For more information, please refer to the project's website: |
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PROMINENT - Promoting innovation in the inland waterways transport sectorTimeframe: 05/2015 – 04/2018 Funding programme: Horizon 2020 |
The PROMINENT partners have found broad support among political and commercial decision makers in the field of inland navigation. Through its direct access to relevant industrial stakeholders and Member States the consortium has obtained significant backup needed to perform the work. The commitment of these organisations will lead to a high acceptance and further dissemination of results. |
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LNG Masterplan for Rhine-Main-DanubeTimeframe: 01/2013 – 12/2015 Funding programme: TEN-T |