Industry meets policy

IMPOrganised in the frame of the EUSDR Annual Fora (in 2014 and 2015), “Industry meets Policy” enabled a dialogue between highly ranked EU policy makers and top industry representatives from the Danube Region in order to strengthen the awareness of policy makers in particular with regard to urgent and sustainable improvements of the fairway maintenance and intents to support the implementation of the Danube Region Strategy as major instrument for the regional development policy of the European Union for the Danube region. Moreover, it enabled a discussion on industry requirements and the necessary policy actions to develop the Danube waterway into a core transport axis of the entire Danube region.

The foreseen High Level Round Table discussions were organised by Pro Danube International in cooperation with Pro Danube Austria and offered the industry representatives the opportunity to face key policy makers for achieving tangible results regarding the development of the Danube as key European logistics axis and as engine for economic growth in the framework of the EUSDR.