The management

Herfried Leitner
Herfried is currently the Chairman of Pro Danube International. Graduate in Supply Chain Management from Donau Universität Krems, Herfried holds an extensive management experience of more than 20 years in supply chain management, production and warehouse management as well as in inland waterway transport.

Robert Rafael
Robert holds a master’s degree in Economics from Budapest Corvinus University and in Business Law from Eötvös Loránd University and is currently the general secretary of Pro Danube International. He has extensive experience in inland navigation innovation projects as he initiated and managed several innovative IWT-related projects in the field of RIS, IWT promotion, inland ports, alternative fuels.

Peter Wötzinger
Peter is currently the general manager of Pro Danube Management. He is a Dipl. Ing. graduate of BOKU Vienna and has more than 25 years of experience in engineering consultancy, dealing with the initiation and management of large-scale public and private construction investments in Transportation, Energy, Water and the Building Sector.

Ruxandra Matzalik Florescu
Ruxandra studied International Business and Economics in Bucharest and Vienna, International Financial Markets in Madrid and joined PDM in 2013, where she is currently working as a senior project manager. She holds a MSc in Supply Chain Management from WU Vienna (with a dedicated focus on transport and logistics and integrated information systems) and is currently dealing with the initiation and management of transnational EU-funded projects for IWT and port logistics in the fields of digitalisation, IWT promotion and alternative fuels. Ruxandra is currently on maternity leave.

Christian Stark
Christian holds PhD and MA degrees in Political Science from the University of Vienna and a BA degree in Social Sciences from the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf. After furthering his professional development in the European Commission and the European Parliament, he joined Pro Danube in 2018 where he currently works as a project manager in various EU-funded projects dealing with IWT.